We are a dedicated team of professional personal trainers who create programs and classes designed to help move your body into the future YOU.

250-618-3443 3- 2330 McCollough road, Nanaimo Mo-Fr: 6am - 8:30pm | Sa: 7am - 3pm | Su: closed
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Body Tempo

  /  Fitness   /  How to fit fitness into your busy lifestyle?

How to fit fitness into your busy lifestyle?

We all know by now that maintaining an active lifestyle should be one of our top priorities in life. Only by taking care of ourselves do we stand a chance of being the kind of person we strive to be on the job, at home with our loved ones, and in our communities. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Are you trying to fit fitness it but just can’t seem to find time? Have your tried to start a fitness regime and quickly it took a back seat to all your other on the go activities? Trust me we can make anything work worth working for. I believe you are worth it! So here are some tips to making your daily healthy lifestyle habits solid.

  1. Get up early or get up approx. 1 hour prior to you day to make room for you. Less road blocks can occur throughout your day. Once you are done nice and early you don’t have to think about it for the rest of your day. You are going to feel more energized and you are going to feel so good about yourself. You are going to be more productive. The best thing is you are going to feel so accomplished because you got it done. This will ensure your greatest success for getting it done. First few mornings might be tough but stick it out trust me they will get easier!
  2. Pick 3 days a week to start working out or training. Write them in your schedule and don’t cancel on yourself. You are the most important person in your life.
  3. Train from home. You don’t need to go anywhere to workout. You could even start with something as simple as 10 squats, 10 push ups (modifications), 10 lunges, abs, etc. There are tons of options on Youtube. I even have channel ErinCrawford that has tons free content and ideas.
  4. Join a program in the morning. I currently run 10 week programs in group in the early mornings. This can be helpful to keep you on track in the morning. It can also teach you the tools to be successful long term. You can check it out at bodytempo.com. If any questions just email me.
  5. Start!

Thank you for reading and I am hopeful you start fitting you into your life!