We are a dedicated team of professional personal trainers who create programs and classes designed to help move your body into the future YOU.
The key to a longer life may be as simple as lifting some weights, according to a new study of older adults (Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center).
Older adults who met twice- weekly strength training guidelines had lower odds of dying in a new analysis by researchers at Penn State College of Medicine. The study is the first to demonstrate the association in a large, nationally representative sample over an extending time period, particularly in an older population.
As a personal trainer for now over a decade I have personally witnessed benefits for all ages that included resistance/ strength training on a regular basis. Not only do participants feel physically stronger, but cognitive function improves.
The study goes on to say that the weightlifters also benefited from 41% lower risk of cardiac death and 19% reduced risk of dying from cancer.
Currently in Canada Heart disease is the number 1 cause of death. The unfortunate part of that is most Deaths can be prevented through weight training, aerobic exercise and eating habits. If you have any family history of heart disease it is even more of reason to start weight training.
If it has been a while since you have started weight training or resistance training program contact your doctor first to see if this would be a good fit. When you do start, start with small weights with rep ranges of 12-15 reps. If you are unsure of what exercises to do or how and why, etc. I always suggest hiring a professional in the early stages of starting. If you are over the ages of 69 make sure your trainer is certified in an either a Third Age or All ages. It’s important they understand the aging body.