Build better bones!
Osteoporosis is a condition that affects bone strength (the word osteoporosis literally means “porous bones”). Bone is made of collagen fibers (tough, elastic fibers) and minerals (gritty, hard material).
To stretch or not to stretch?
Stretching can be one of the very best tools for helping you achieve your goals in your fitness training program. Not only does stretching feel good it also has many side benefits.
Build a better you by controlling your metabolism!
Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. Some folks are blessed with a rapid metabolism however most people have to build a better metabolism in order to lose weight and stay fit. A stronger metabolism can make it possible for you to lose weight without starving yourself.
How to control blood sugar
While there are many diets to choose from, regulating blood sugar is the best way to lose weight and also regain your energy levels. By stabilizing blood sugar, one is able to minimize the amount of insulin being secreted in the body