Carbs… are they good or bad?
We have all been through the low fat and no fat diets: they seemed to make sense. The thought process is simple: “…not eating fat means I won’t gain fat, right?” WRONG! The “fat-free” trend actually had the opposite effect for dieters.
You are beautiful <3
You are beautiful! Thank you so much for reading. I am truly grateful to you and hopefully I have, or can, help you in some way big or small.
Creating a stronger metabolism
Your metabolism is the rate that your body burns calories. While there are very few people in the world who are blessed with a rapid metabolism, most people have to build a better metabolism in order to lose weight and stay fit.
How does one stay motivated?
I think we have all been a victim of lack of energy and motivation. The question is HOW do we avoid falling off the fitness wagon and truly reaching our ultimate physique and fitness goals?
Nuts for coconuts
Some tips for introducing the benefits of coconuts to your every day cooking regime to promote a healthier, leaner lifestyle.
Pre injury rehabilitation and strengthening. Pre hab training?
Pre hab training is a term I use with my clients. Pre hab means to me: Pre Injury rehabilitation and strengthening.
Prepping for Success
This article has the intention of making your life less stressful. Giving you some tools that I use to be prepared and make your fitness journey less stressful. NEVER BE TIED TO YOUR FRIDGE AGAIN.
Let’s be proactive and build better bones!
We have all been through the low fat and no fat diets: they seemed to make sense. The thought process is simple: “…not eating fat means I won’t gain fat, right?” WRONG! The “fat-free” trend actually had the opposite effect for dieters.
Sleep does your hormone levels good!
Exercise can improve your sleep but can sleep improve your exercise? The answer to the this question is YES. Sleep can also improve, not only your exercise but every other function in your life.
What is low Testosterone or Commonly known as Low T?
Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the body. In men, testosterone is mostly produced in the testicles and is responsible for stimulating sperm production and sex drive, as well as building muscles and bone mass.